Free online small business courses for Ontario entrepreneurs!

Our E-Learning Sessions are mini-courses developed by SBC Ontario Expert Business Advisors — available to you anytime, anywhere.



Business Basics, Start-Up and Growth Stages



Complete each session in 30 minutes or less



Sessions are available in French and English

Do you have half an hour to spare?


Small business success is all about learning and adapting. Taking a business from idea to start-up to growth stage is no small feat! SBC E-Learning Sessions will set you up with essential skills, knowledge, and prepare you to speak to business professionals and advisors. With this knowledge you can move forward, minimize common mistakes and risk throughout your small business journey.

E-Learning Sessions for All Stages of Your Business Journey

Business Basics Illustration
  • Learn Business Basics

Have An Idea?

Every business begins with an idea. But does your idea have real potential? Do you have what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur? We can help you work through these important questions, as well as the legal requirements and practical steps involved in launching a new business.

Start-Up Illustration
  • Sustainability Strategies

Launched A Start-Up?

You’ve launched your idea and are officially in business. This is an exciting time, but not without challenges! Our Business Advisors provide guidance on preparing an action plan, equip you with tools, resources and support to ensure your start-up is sustainable and positioned for growth.

Growth Illustration
  • Business Growth Planning

Ready To Grow?

Your business is now past the start-up phase and you are thinking about launching into new areas, adding employees, improving business processes, as well as building up your skills and knowledge. Our Business Advisors and programs will empower you to take your business to new heights!

Find Your Local Small Business Centre

Did you know there are 54 Small Business Centres throughout Ontario? Expert business advisors are available to provide entrepreneurs and small businesses with information and advice specific to their business.